Friday 7 September 2012

The Vintage Tea Party

Whilst waiting for my friends to arrive at a quint little coffee shop we'd come to love, I thought I would just pop into the bookstore and mozie around to kill time - well lucky I did because I came across an awesome book titled: The Vintage Tea Partyby Angel Adoree.

Now with my love for tea, tea parties, tea time, high tea - you name it, I just had to own the book no matter what was written inside. With the book paid for, I took my seat at the coffee shop and began to page through it.

What a lovely book, if I do say so myself! It was filled with awesome tea party planning ideas, fantastic photography work and of course all the "how to's" when it comes to throwing your amazing tea party function.

I loved how Angel took tea time from a primarily 'nose in the air'/ ladies only territory and showed you how to incorporate it into a snazzy, loved by all event!

I suggest you get your hands on this book for some fantastic event planning ideas - I will be having a baby shower in the near future so I will be sure to conveniently leave the book lying around where friends and family can get inspiration from :)

Happy Planning :)

Saturday 1 September 2012

Lavender Sugar Jars as Favours

  • Granulated sugar
  • Dried lavender blossoms
  • Vanilla bean
  • Small  jars
  • Ribbon and labels to decorate

Pour sugar into a mixing bowl, add the lavender blossoms.  Cut one small end of the vanilla bean off.  Split the vanilla bean down the center, revealing tiny, vanilla bean specks.  Scrape vanilla beans out with a small knife and add to the sugar and lavender.
With the back of a spoon, work the lavender and vanilla bean into the sugar.  Be sure to press on the lavender blossoms to release their oils and to disperse any vanilla bean clumps that may form. Pour the mixture into the jars.  Easy :)

Thursday 30 August 2012

Island Inspiration Wedding


Photographer: John Armstrong Photography in Cape Town 
Creative Designers: FRESH Individual Creative Events from Limassol, Cyprus

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Something Blue

Wedding Insurance

Sooo.... after an interesting Facebook post from a Wedding Coordinator, it looks like more and more people are advising that Brides and Grooms consider taking about Wedding Insurance for their weddings...

It may seem like just another unnecessary cost added to the bundles of costs that you have to contend with for your wedding but here is some information about wedding insurance that might help:

Before you buy wedding insurance, check with your each of your 
vendors to see how well they're covered.

What Is Wedding Insurance?
Basically, wedding insurance protects a couple's investment from circumstances beyond  their control, and reimburses expenses incurred. For example, what if your limo driver doesn't show up and you have to book another one the morning of the wedding -- for three times the price? Or what if the groom's custom-made tuxedo is lost in airport baggage, and he has to buy a new one the day before the wedding? What if your reception space goes out of business a month before the wedding, and you lose your deposit and have to book another space? These are the types of big-day financial losses that wedding insurance can help to protect.

Why Get Wedding Insurance?

Consider these scenarios:
  • Janet and Dan spend months planning their winter wedding. But on wedding day, their reception site is made inaccessible by an ice storm. With the right wedding insurance policy, the couple can postpone their wedding and receive every penny they lost (less the deductible) -- including money for the invites, cake, catering, attire, and non-refundable deposits for ceremony musicians, floral designer, and other vendors.
  • The bride's father is injured in a car accident just before the wedding and cannot travel. If the couple has to postpone their wedding, with wedding insurance they could be paid back their expenses to enable them to have the wedding when the father recovers.
  • Right before the ceremony, Brittany's gown catches a gust of wind. Unfortunately, the tulle dances right over to the end of Uncle Howard's cigar and the dress instantly goes up in flames. Fortunately, the right insurance policy covers the replacement of the veil and gown.

Do You Really Need Wedding Insurance?

Before you buy wedding insurance, check with your each of your vendors to see how well they're covered -- your reception site or your caterer may already have their own insurance, so you wouldn't want to pay for overlapping coverage out of your own pocket. Ask your vendors for a copy of their policy, and then figure out where you aren't fully covered.

What Does Wedding Insurance Cover?
Problems with the site, weather, vendors, key people, sickness, or injury are the top concerns come wedding day. There is usually a specified maximum amount, which can be claimed under each section, and a deductible also applies. Be sure to find out the details of your insurance plan.

  • Site: Check to see if your ceremony and reception site is already insured. If it's not, wedding insurance can cover the cost arising out of unavoidable cancellation (such as damage or inaccessibility to the ceremony site), if your reception hall is unable to honor your reservation because it has burned in a fire, experienced an electrical outage, or just plain closed down. Sometimes this policy covers the rehearsal dinner site, too.
  • Weather: Any weather conditions which prevent the bride, groom, any relative whose presence at the wedding is essential, or the majority of the guests from reaching the premises where the wedding is to take place. Insurance covers rescheduling the wedding and all the details involved -- such as ceremony flowers, tent rental, and reception food.
  • Vendor No-show: What if essential wedding people -- the caterer or the officiant, for example -- fail to show up? A wedding insurance policy usually covers cancellation or postponement of the wedding for these reasons.
  • Sickness or Injury: Wedding insurance may also include sickness or injury to the bride, groom, or anyone essential to the wedding.
  • Military or Job: It's true, military personnel may be shipped out at a moment's notice. Wedding insurance can cover postponement of the wedding due to the bride or groom suddenly getting called to military duty. This can also apply to a last-minute corporate move -- i.e. the bride's company suddenly relocates her to another city.

Things to Consider                                 
Every insurance policy and every wedding scenario is different. Be sure to talk to your insurance agent -- and have him or her explain the nuts and bolts to you. You want to make sure you and your sweetie understand every detail of your policy.

Read more: Wedding Planning: Wedding Insurance 101 - Wedding Planning - Wedding Problems

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Baby Shower High Tea

Too cute! My friend recently hosted a Baby Shower and decided on a High Tea theme, I can not think of anything more fantastic than being treated like a princess whist expect your little princess or prince :)

I love the Candy Table idea - bringing the playful element but still looking quite elegant. Macaroon are a fabulous decor and food element, the colours are vast lending to ay theme and decor you can think of. Adding welcome drinks in the color of your theme add to the air of sophistication that a High Tea or Afternoon Tea lends.

The easiest way to create the theme is to use tiered dishes, elegant platter and have tea cups as part of your setting. The ideas fun and it will be a sure fire way to make "mum to be" feel special!

Happy Planning :)


Sunday 27 May 2012

What Not to Wear: At Weddings

A white dress (or anything that could under any circumstances be mistaken for a wedding dress)

A really conservative suit (too corporate for an elegant event)

Anything too short and too tight (and this is white too! eek!)

Jeans (way too casual for an elegant event, no matter how you swing it!)

An upstager dress (now this is just a no no, your day will come)

Anything in only black (black to a wedding is touch and go, it could be too funeral like if not paired with anything else)

Work/Life Balance: What happens after the Wedding?

I attended a fabulous workshop on the 20th May where we were treated to tea and goodies on arrival and offered the opportunity to chat with Health and Beauty specialists while we waited for the event to start. I took the opportunity to have my hands massaged by the Dermalogica ladies with their anti-aging body products :)

The workshop was hosted by Beyond the Dress, a company that strives to cover topics relevant to the everyday woman - "the mother", "the wife", "the colleague", " the friend" and so many more roles that we need to adopt these days!

The idea for BTD was based on how we focus on our wedding day and the frills and fuss that go with it, but what happens after that, what happens after the wedding dress?

The Work/Life Balance aimed at addressing the challenges many of us face once we get married, Do we keep working? Do we focus on our career? When do we become moms? Do we even become moms? Do we then become stay at home moms? Where is the balance?

The event put together a panel of wonderfully interesting woman:

  • Cherie Keating - MD: Dermalogica
  • Debora Patta - Executive Producer: 3rd Degree
  • Sotse Segoneco - CEO: Sonke Pharmaceuticals
  • Andrea Du Plessis - Nutrition expert
  • Nikki Bush - Creative parenting expert, speaker and author
  • MC'ed by Gisele Wertheim Aymes – Editor: Longetivity Magazine.

The panel of women took the time to bear all - what did it mean to them to be married, divorced, single moms, childless and what were their tips on how to strike that Work/Life Balance we all strive for: 

Here are some tips from the panel courtesy of

Nikki Bush - Author
  • The myth that a superwomen exists is in actual fact a myth. It doesn’t exist and as women we have beating ourselves up trying to live by this “perfect women” image that we have.
  • Time is the enemy whether you work or whether you don’t.
  • Key is to juggle. Decide what hat you are wearing and what role you are playing and then be present in that moment. Secret is learning the art of presence.  Catch some of the balls and hold onto it, see what's important.
  • You don’t have to strive for perfect, just strive for workable and what’s workable for you is unique.
  • Children are extremely perceptive, learn from them, they have a 360 degree view of you and are usually very honest. Children tell the truth.
  • Whatever you focus on flourishes. Focus on it and it will flourish.
  • Being a mother is not self-sacrificial. 
  • We have to constantly re-invent ourselves. 
  • Have a vision for your life and ask yourself “How do I want my life to feel?”

Andrea Du Plessis - Nutritionist
  • Lead a healthy balanced life.
  • You are surrounded by a wealth of information and use that to your advantage.
  • Identify  tips and guidelines to make your life easy.
  • You need to say YES to desire to be fit and healthy. Make time for your physical needs.
  • Try not to make other stuff important over exercise.
  • You will see a difference in when you change with diet and lifestyle. 

Cherie Keating - MD Dermalogica SA
  • At times YOU CAN  and at  times YOU CANT!
  • There are times of more balancing vs times of less balancing
  • We need to have an acceptance of what balance means for us.
  • Its about being resilient. Resilience is being amongst the small waves, the big waves and then at times a Tsunami !
  • Don’t be hard on yourself, sometimes getting out if bed is good enough :-)
  • Know thyself.
  • Stress is a driver, you can have positive stress.
  • Have a vision for yourself, how alive do u want to feel? 
  • Learn to say NO!
  • Take responsibility for yourself as no one else will.
  • Surround yourself with great people around you.
  • Have some spontaneity, break the mundane routine.

Debora Patta - Executive Producer
  • Women started the lie and the myth of the superwomen. It doesn’t exist!
  • Decide what fulfils YOU.
  • Find something that you love doing? Then you will be close to your balance.
  • Technology has done us some favours, but it has made us less presence, we are always on the look out for the flashing red light on the black berry
  • Have a tight circle of friends,  see them regularly.
  • Keep the proper connections.
  • Social media is PR not regular connections.
  • Sit down for dinner everyday.
  • Our mothers worked but didn't have careers. No one had tested this generation. We didn't plan for this, so it is challenging.
  • Diet and  exercise is critical and non-negotiable.
  • You can have it all, but not all the same time.
  • You should have your kids when you are  older and wiser, Practically things cost money.

Sotse Segoneco - CEO
  • Share from your heart and be genuine.
  • Try to feel deeply loved, highly favoured and very centred.
  • When you were born you had talents and gifts and as we grow we lose sight of them and give in to social norms.
  • You can be single by choice, Get rid of someone doesn't carry your vision.
  • Strive to make a difference in one’s life.
  • Embrace who you are, remember that some can handle you more than others.
  • How do you deal with your boss n colleagues, that don't handle their time management?
  • Ensure that you can talk to people and teach people to get to know you.
  • Don't talk about things without having an action plan.
  • Organization is important. 
  • Don't be afraid, allow people to tell you of your blind spots as you cant see them.
  • Where applicable , Love your staff and treat your staff with respect, pray for you staff and your boss.
  • Engage with the people close to you.
  • Be open with your mistakes, be wise and practical.
  • Don't use things or people to get ahead in life.

Although each of the woman above are all successful in their careers, in no way does it indicate that the choice to dedicate your time to your family and children in wrong, this decision still requires you to find the balance for yourself. However, a stong message in the workshop was that we should always have our own money, with our own bank account. its just something to keep in mind when you are making these decisions, which you surely will someday soon!

Thats Me on the right winning a prize :)

Hope you loved the post!

For more information or for the next workshops go to:

Friday 18 May 2012

Indian Wedding Dress

The crazy shopping in India finally lead to the dress that I fell in love with. I had decided even before we began planning the wedding that I was not going to wear red. I wanted to do something different - pink maybe.

But then I found it, with its gold detailing, beadwork and elegant shades. I was in love. 

See some of the images below that highlight some of the detail on the dress.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Black & White Wedding Inspiration

Yes, it is possible to pull off a black and white wedding theme without crossing over to the ""4 weddings and a funeral" side!

Its all about incorporating that old world charm to your theme. Use the black as the accent color rather than a dominant color. Less is more with black!