Wednesday 17 August 2011

Event Kick Off

The most difficult task with planning an event, especially if it is not something you do all the time, is the starting point. Where is the best pace to start putting all your ideas, wants and needs so that it makes sense, is workable and can be carried through the entire event planning process...? 

Well let me tell you, the best place to start is a Budget. Not only will this document provide you with an idea of all you will need to have available for any event, but it will also act as your To Do List that you can check off as you go. For my wedding, the budget was the worst part because really how does one keep track of something you want everything of? It wasn't easy and I didn't have the answers as to how much I should keep aside for weird things like "Wild Hibiscus Flowers for the champagne glasses" or "A Quartet to play music while I walk down the isle" or really all those finer points that make the difference between a Year-end function and My Wedding...

So I did some research and got a hold of some event planners that were kind enough to email me a budget... one that I nearly fell off my chair over but needless to say it was a start. So with Kate Middleton's budget in hand ;) I added extra columns and proceeded to just "discount" the figures until I reached a final amount that suited my... well ego really. Items on the budget that seemed too over the top I deleted figures, but not description, in case there was some money left over. 

Over the months I got more into things and eventually ended up with a personalized budget/to do list with actual figures from suppliers and an actual amount that I needed to have available to throw the perfect event.

If you need a hand, drop me a mail and lets see if I can get you started!

Happy planning...

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