Sunday 23 October 2011

From India with Love

The result of having both an Indian and a Greek wedding is that both cultural and traditional elements HAVE TO BE fulfilled 100%.

Here in South Africa, most Indian families make the trip to India to spoil both the bride and the groom with gorgeous, and cheap, outfits from their beautiful land - but one things for sure, Indian or not, you need to prepare yourself for the whirl wind you are about to embark on!

From the moment we landed to the time we got back on the plane, India was full of surprises! I spent the first three days in India, with the in laws, on the verge of tears - too much, too quick! From one store to the next I didn't know if I was coming or going!

The reality is that there is so much to see and so much you want to do that it becomes overwhelming. In the end we spent most of our time in a four-story shop called Paneeri (thanks to some recommendations from friends) and ended up buying the entire wedding parties outfits from this store (I'm talking about bride, groom, grannies, sisters, aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews - you name it, we bought it!).

The thing is, I guess you need to experience it but if you can't bear the thought of the chaos just before your wedding, there are option:

1. Just go to one great store like Paneeri in Mumbai where everything you will need is under one roof
2. Organise a planned shopping trip with specialist based in India who will drive you around and negotiate on your behalf. After this trip  I have begun making contact with local shopping assistants to put together some wedding shopping trips from South Africa to India just to make life that much more easier! Ill post more info on this as it develops!

The main thing is to enjoy the experience and even though you may deny it when you are in the middle of everything thats happening around you, when you get back home, believe me you will be planning you future daughters trip for her wedding day!

Happy planning!


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